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4 posts tagged with "redux"

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β€” 3 minute read

Matt Pocock

XState can be used wherever JavaScript runs, whether on the backend or frontend. Because the code it creates can be visualized, it’s great at handling complex use cases - being able to see what a complex piece of code does can be extremely useful.

Let’s look at each use case one-by-one.

β€” 5 minute read

Matt Pocock

Many React applications follow the Flux architecture popularised by Redux. This setup can be characterised by a few key ideas:

  1. It uses a single object at the top of your app which stores all application state, often called the store.
  2. It provides a single dispatch function which can be used to send messages up to the store. Redux calls these actions, but I'll be calling them events - as they're known in XState.
  3. How the store responds to these messages from the app are expressed in pure functions - most often in reducers.

This article won't go into depth on whether the Flux architecture is a good idea. David Khourshid's article Redux is half a pattern goes into great detail here. For the purposes of this article, we're going to assume that you like having a global store, and you want to replicate it in XState.

β€” 11 minute read

David Khourshid

I wrote a form library once.


It was called React Redux Form, and using Redux for forms was a good idea, at the time (don't use it). In fact, my library was written as a response to Redux Form, and both libraries soon discovered that the idea of using a single global store to store all of your application state is a really, really bad idea.

When all of your forms live in one single store, state is easy to manage at first. And then, every single keypress starts to lag. It's a terrible user experience.

β€” 19 minute read

David Khourshid

Redux is fantastic.

Some of you might disagree, so let me tell you why.

Over the last few years, Redux has popularized the idea of using message-passing (also known as event-driven programming) to manage application state. Instead of making arbitrary method calls to various class instances or mutating data structures, we now can think of state as being in a "predictable container" that only changes as a reaction to these "events".